
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Swim Lessons Take 1

The boys started swim lessons last week! Each class is 5 hours of instruction broken down into 30 min lessons twice a week with 4 students total. The 3 year old and older classes don't require parental participation but I still scheduled the class so that Phil can meet us there after work. I initially feared that the boys would be super scared and not want to even get in the water, I even brought my swim suite as well just in case my help was needed. Little did I know that the boys would be absolutely fearless of the water! The boys were bursting at the seems with excitement for their first lesson and weren't much less excited about the second lesson. Their excitement inhibits them from listening really well so I'm hoping they calm down more in the subsequent lessons. They couldn't wait till they could go down the slide and a few times they got dunked and went under but they could have cared less! Its a really good thing Phil is there to help as well since it's hard to keep them all in one spot and he helps encourage them to listen to their instructor. I'm hoping to sign them up for a class each quarter until they actually learn to swim but the way things are going I think they will learn relatively fast! Phil has suggested we become members at this pool so we can take the boys more often since they seem to be natural water babies : )

1 comment:

  1. It figures since every time they get new water the have a blast. I am sure they will be swimming before long! I never learned even though I took lessens three times. I flunked them all, guess my fear of water over powers my desire to swim.
    Love you all,
