Monday, December 15, 2014

LEGO Party!

Phil's work threw a first ever lego party/build off where several company's that his firm works closely with all participated in building a building or structure for the lego city. Then everyone at the party voted on the best ones and those that won got awards (which were built out of legos). All the legos used to build the city are going to be donated to Doernbecher Children's Hospital (it's the same hospital the boys were born at). They had lots of lego's for all the kids to play with and a craft station with a lego themed activity. The boys filled up on lego shaped candy, cookies and juice. At one point the boys got so sugared out that they asked for water and drank a ton of it!

Before heading out we took pictures in our cute party attire!
When I got home and looked at the pictures closely I realized Caleb's collar was all messed up!
Lego building!
Here's the lego city that was collectively built, it was pretty impressive!
Caleb working on his lego mask.
They had the lego movie playing in the background and it wasn't helping his concentration, haha!
Eli's lego mask, the marker he used was too light so you can't see the mouth and nose he drew : (
Party guys
The boys thought the lego city was pretty awesome
"CET architects, Eli speaking!"
(the boys playing at Phil's desk)

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