Monday, August 19, 2019

3 Polar Bears! (8yr 10mo)

I know this mirthday post is waay over due but I'm not even gonna make excuses...haha! Summer is going well and I've been working on being ok that I'm not vacationing in Spain anymore. Gah! It was so nice. The boys spend the weekdays at sports camps. They are outside and active all day long. You think they'd come home exhausted and go to bed early but neither is the case. SO MUCH ENERGY! I started a new job soon after we got back from Spain and I've been really busy working. Thankfully I'll be able to cut back a little once school starts, I'll go back to .8 FTE. Life will be much more manageable, I could never work full time year round. I don't know how people do it. Only one more week left before they start 3rd grade, yikes!

CET are 8 years and 10 months old!
Two being sweet while the other one was mad at something, ha!
One of the other two took over the camera and got a sweet candid of Eli and I.
Excuse the pjs and messy hair : )
At the zoo!
Papi and Eli
Internal tandem triplication, haha! (science joke)
Boys passed Seal level and now we have 3 Polar Bears!
They were working on their back stroke and diving, they
are great swimmers. I'm envious!
Among the manliest of men!
They are so full of testosterone, help me please!