Saturday, January 4, 2020

Xennial Troubles (9 yrs 2 & 3 mo!)

I'm quite behind on updating and I am fully prepared to outline the reasons that I lay blame on!

1. I've been happily using my Windows 7 dinosaur of a laptop for 8 years but if it wasn't totally packed to the gills I'd still be using it now. So guess what I got during Black Friday? Yes a lovely Windows 10 laptop that is half the price that my dinosaur once was and with twice the memory. This was quite the mountain to climb finding and installing all my old programs (or I guess they call them Apps now, even on computers!) to install. After several 30 minute sessions, because that's all the extra time I have daily, I had to buckle down and dedicate several hour blocks to really get back up to that took several weeks months of procrastination. 

2. Then I smashed my iPhone on the tile floor of my local TJMaxx. Like not one or two cracks through the screen but more like 100. I'd try to use it and would end up with shards of glass on my finger. I'd been meaning to get a new phone anyway so I did. I'd also been meaning to switch from iphone to android, eek! So for the last week I've been decoding my new phone, which has been more of a challenge for me because I use my phone for waaay more than I use my computer. Crazy right?!

I feel ashamed to be even complaining about this but I am as they call us a Xennial, meaning I had an analog childhood and a digital adulthood. So while we're not completely clueless like our parents are, technology doesn't come naturally to us as it does for true millennial's.

Anyways, now the blogging can continue...

CET are 9 years and 2 months old!
The boys are showing off their Black Friday scores. Caleb a legit skateboard, Eli a genuine leather football, and Thomas some weights. I'm quite proud of them because they've been saving up their money for over a year and bought themselves all their little hearts desired. Besides what's in the picture they got football receiver gloves, fitbit watches, and some other sports equipment. 
CET are 9 years and 3 months old!
3 times 3 equals 9! Took this shortly after they turned 9, ha : )

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