Friday, June 5, 2020

Corona Madness part 2

CET are 9 years and 7 months old!
CET are 9 years and 8 months old!
Flirting with danger, that cat will turn on you when you least expect it, ha!
Online school.
Don't let this picture fool you, "virtual school" ended up being a total joke!
Snuggle bums
TEC on a little nature adventure
A bit of French baking with Caleb
Where is my third child, those feet are too far
away to belong to either of those two boys?
Oh that explains things, haha!
Let me tell you, they all love to share the same bed and
most of the time I can't see where the third kid is!
Learning Virtually Nothing

We started online "virtual" school shortly after my last post back in late March. At the time I thought my attempts to home school were less than great but after going through almost two months of online school, which is mandatory by the way, I have to give myself more credit, ha! Two hours a day with the teacher and a few random assignments. None of the kids are doing the assignments because they are far too young for this type of learning. There is a huge disconnect between the teacher and the parents. I ask the kids what their assignments are and none of them know whats going on. Then there are so many different platforms for the assignments like Khan Academy, Raz Kids, Common Lit, Google Classrooms. There needs to be regular updates to the parents about what assignments need to be done and where so that we can enforce them. But at this point I'm thinking this year is a wash and what's the point in complaining to the teacher, she's probably more frazzled than I am. No one signed up for this. I wish I could just home school the boys by myself but of course I really couldn't have since it was mandatory they do the online version. Plus I'm back at work so I also don't have the time to do it...and don't get me started on the teacher furloughs...actually yes I will...

With two hours of instruction each day how much preparation and grading where the teachers really needing and doing? My guess is not much so they are probably really only working a fraction of 40 hours/week. Then they furloughed the teachers to 4/5 time, which sucks I totally get it, especially when you consider the insane backlog Oregon's employment office has. But instead of continuing with things the way they were they cut out Friday instruction! There is already so little learning going on and you go and cut out an entire day, so ridiculous! ...But then again everything is a mess, ugh!

I feel bad for kids with all this isolation. At least Phil and I get to keep busy with work, grocery shopping and cooking but the poor kids don't have a lot going on. I have them signed up for three weeks of private sports camps later this summer and I'm really hoping those don't get canceled but we shall see. 

Anyways, just venting here. We are trying hard to follow all the rules but it's just all around a crappy situation we all are in. On the bright side we are looking forward to camping soon like it was an international vacation, haha! 

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