Friday, May 12, 2017

Sports All Day Long!

Eli and Thomas have become such sports fanatics! Eli is really good at basketball and Thomas is really good at soccer. And Caleb, he's good at jumping, haha! Love my Caleb, he just goes along for the ride : )

Thomas really has a knack for soccer, the boy has some crazy good moves!
Eli loves soccer too but basketball is more his wavelength. 
Caleb loves jumping : )
When you match the furniture, hahaha!
We got passes to the Adidas employee store and I thought I'd go in just for kicks to see what they had (yes, pun intended). As any mother of triplets will tell you it's almost impossible to go anywhere and find 3 of the same thing! Or 3 equal but different items for that matter. I almost exclusively buy my kids clothes online because shopping at stores is soooooo frustrating! Two of everything and NEVER three. Anyways, the boys needed new shoes bc their go to easy on shoes have holes in the soles (yes, all from playing basketball on concrete, I know bc Calebs' shoes are the best looking of the three, ha!). If you can believe it they had 3 pairs of size 11 shoes of just not any shoes but the Damian Lillard model!!! Damian Lillard is the star player for the Portland Trailblazers, someone the boys admire quite a bit. Eli has worn them everyday since we got them. I hope these last better than their last shoes, yikes!
Eli and Thomas spend a lot of time just staring at their basketball book (that contains pictures and stats of all the NBA leagues). They can name most of the teams, including the LA Clankers, hahaha! I let them go a long time before I corrected them, it was too cute and funny hearing about the "Clankers!"
This is how you spell Star Wars when you have a Boston accent, haha!

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