Sunday, October 24, 2021

11 Years Old!


Caleb, Eli & Thomas are 11 years old!

Well a lot of time has passed since I last posted, more than I intended. Boy life gets busy and the time just slipped away. I could barely remember to take the boys' quarterly pics and sadly they aren't our best work, haha! Anyways a whole year has passed and I'll try to mention the highlights. 

CET 10 years and 3 months. This was back in December. School was still online which sucked. The hospital I work for announced they had extra COVID vaccine for non essential hospital staff and everyone in my building literally ran to get their vaccine. I was so fortunate to get it so early on. 

CET 10 years and 6 month old. Early spring we rented a little cabin in Bend and had a great time exploring new Oregon territory. 

The boys did flag football in the Spring. I'm not sure who enjoys the games more, the boys or me! They are so fun to watch and they are really quite good at it. The boys also went back to in person school around this time. It was only for a measly two hours a day, four days a week but we took what we could get. Two hours where they actually learned something was better than nothing.   

CET 10 years and 9 months old. In June there was an insane heat wave that came to Portland and the surrounding. We're talking 115-120 degrees depending on the area, we rarely get over 100 degrees so you can see how crazy this was. With only a window AC unit we high tailed it to the coast. What a relief, it only got to about 85 degrees there. It was awful inland and sadly many people died from hyperthermia since most people don't have air conditioning : ( 

We have done a lot of fishing during the pandemic!

Our big summer trip was to Yellowstone, we saw some amazing landscapes!
What an incredible place.

Besides Yellowstone we camped for a few days in the Grand Tetons of Wyoming.
Another incredible place. 

In August my mom came to visit.
It was more than a year since we last saw her so it was extra special. We were in Astoria here, where the Goonies was filmed. It was a fun day! 

Another special visit was from Phil's two aunts. We had a great time with them.

First day of 5th grade. Going back full time, woohoo! Our local COVID numbers actually went down in the weeks after school started. It was what I had hoped for, going back to school safely! Everyone wears masks plus some other safe guards. Only a handful of cases where a student got it elsewhere and didn't spread it to their classmates. None of us have gotten COVID so far and hoping to get the boys vaccinated as soon as we get approval for those under 12.

Caleb's 5th grade school picture. 

Eli's 5th grade school picture. 

Thomas' 5th grade school picture. 

Obligatory 11 year couch picture!
Till next year, take care!


Aisha Anglade said...

I remember first being on the blog, they were 3 years old and look at them now :D

JP said...

Aisha, yes they sure have grown!