Saturday, May 17, 2014

Splash Pad!

Wednesday was supposed to be really hot so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and go to the splash pad adjacent to the boys school after class. To our great disappointment we found out that Portland Parks & Rec does not turn on the water until the first day of summer.

But it's 91 degrees people, come on PP&R!!!

The next day I made up it up to the boys by taking them to the children's museum's splash pad, it was not as hot but still pretty warm.

Eli was very disappointed there was no water to splash in : (
Caleb initially not wanting to get wet, just wanting to look cool : )
lots of head dipping
Love running pictures!
Go long!
Post splash pad exhaustion!
Here is a video of Thomas racing another kid. Who will win? Tall baby or small yet agile 3 year old....

SUCKER!!!! (Hahaha, just kidding)

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